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TIPU SULTAN Historic India Document
Product Offered by IslamicArt (100449)
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Item's Year of Issue: 1851
Condition: Very Good
Materials: Watermarked paper with VR stamp
Country of Origin: ENGLAND
Description: This Victorian court document stamped 1851, in English, issued by the British Government in India with an oval V. R. (Victoria Regina) stamp and the coat of arms of the British government awards stipends to the grand children and great grand childrenof Tipu Sultan (spelled "Tipoo" in this document).

Called "The Tiger of Mysore" , Tipu Sultan inflicted a series of defeats on the British Raj before being overcome in 1799. (A famous wooden effigy of the period shows a large tiger at thethroat of a flattened British soldier. This tiger personification of Tipu Sultan was considered so inflammatory that the British found it advisable to remove the effigy from the country. For many years, it was housed in the Victoria & Albert Museumin London. The effigy has since been repatriated.) However, the removal of the sculpture and the British fear of the hero it depicted dramatizes the galvanizing role Tipu Sultan had as a revolutionary leader in India. Tipu Sultan was also the son ofareknowned leader--Hyder Ali.
Please email for complete text of this significant historical document. It many be inspected--by appointment--in New York City.

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Item #: 500969
Quantity Available: 1
Bid Increments: $50
Starting Bid: $6,000
Auction Ends: 01/19/01 1:00PM (EST)

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