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Zocalo (Town Square) Atlixco    Puebla, Mexico

Mary Teresa Giancoli Photographic Essay        Fotografías por Mary Teresa Giancoli

Giancoli photograph Talavera Tile Bench

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Puebla is the point of origin for many Mexicans who emigrate to New York City to study, to become acquainted with another country or to pursue the American Dream. Documentary photographer Mary Teresa Giancoli travels to Puebla not only as a typical "gringa" tourist, but also as an anthropologist to speak with people who have relatives now living in New York, and to see how those at home in Puebla still live.

Writes Giancoli: "In 1999, I started going to Puebla to document the life of families with relatives in New York. I love the life of the zocalo--the town square--and especially the zocalo of Atlixco, Puebla with its benches in talavera tile. In Atlixco, the zocalo forms the very center of public life: old, young, families, workers. From morning to night, everyone stops there to eat an ice cream, get a shoeshine, meet with friends or just take a break in the day. The benches, each with a drawing of a place of interest in the city, are themselves Old World works of art. Everyone enjoys them. These benches are the epitome of 'public art'."

"Desde 1999, empezé a viajar a Puebla a documentar la vida de estas familias quien tienen familiares en Nueva York. Me encanta la vida del zocalo, y especialemente del zocalo de Atlixco y sus bancos, cada uno con dibujo en talavera. En Atlixco, el zocalo esta en el mero centro de la vida publica: los ancianos, jovenes, familias, tabajadores se visitan y se comen un gelado, se tienen los zapatos brillados, se encuentran con amigos y se tienen una pausa en la vida del la ciudad desde la mañana hasta la noche. Cada banco tiene su dibujo de un lugar de la ciudad; son obras de arte de viejo mundo, y son para el gusto de cada persona. Estos bancos son la epitome de 'l'arte publica'."--Mary Teresa Giancoli

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