Biddington's Art Gallery & Auctions Home


Recent Paintings

Offered for Sale at
Biddington's Contemporary Art Gallery

Large Paintings
Oil on Canvas
Butterflies painting Michael Eastman G Chair painting Michael Eastman Eastman painting Kyu Michael Eastman painting Beach Art Eastman painting Brooklyn Museum Brochure
Butterflies G, Chair Kyu
Beach Art Brooklyn Museum
Eastman painting C4 Eastman painting Mrs. Hollit's Eastman painting Greco-Egyptian Eastman painting Large G Michael Eastman painting Lady Exercising
Mrs. Hollit's
English Lit

Greco-Egyptian Large G Lady Exercising
Eastman painting Large Venomous Lizard Eastman painting Odd Numbers with Pepper Eastman painting War Poster Eastman painting  Orange Crate Label Eastman painting 57 with Bird
Large Venomous
Odd Numbers
with Pepper
War Poster Orange Crate
57 with Bird

Medium and Small Paintings
Oil on Canvasboard, Masonite or Canvas
Michael Eastman painting Dorsal Entropy Michael Eastman painting Eastman painting A Beef Eastman painting Book Jacket Eastman diptych Corn
Dorsal Entropy A Beef Book Jacket Corn
Eastman painting Peru Eastman painting Condensed Milk Eastman painting My Last Duchess Eastman painting Baby Eastman painting  T Pepper
Condensed Milk
My Last Duchess Baby T Pepper
Using figurative elements and text, often with poetic references, contemporary artist Michael Eastman composes complex paintings influenced by abstract expressionism and commercial ad design.

Artist's studio visit with Michael Eastman.

Earlier Michael Eastman paintings.
DESCRIPTION: Click on any image or its title to find full description, more photos and to follow PURCHASE arrows to shopping cart checkout.
PRICES: Range from $1000 to $6000 + shipping & insurance.
QUESTIONS: email referencing Michael Eastman + Title of Painting.
TO PURCHASE BY PHONE: 212 838-3572 ( Mon-Fri 9-5 ET).