United States Patent Dates and Numbers 1836-1990
The United States Patent Office started issuing patent numbers in 1836.
An amazing variety of 19th and 20th century American antiques, jewelry and collectibles are marked with the patent number identifying the year that the object was patented.
- 1836: 1 - 109
- 1837: 110 - 545
- 1838: 546-1,105
- 1839: 1,106-1,464
- 1840: 1,465-1,922
- 1841: 1,923-2,412
- 1842: 2,413-2,900
- 1843: 2,901-3,394
- 1844: 3,395-3,872
- 1845: 3,873-4,347
- 1846: 4,348-4,913
- 1847: 4,914-5,408
- 1848: 5,409-5,992
- 1849: 5,993-6,980
- 1850: 6,981-7,864
- 1851: 7,865-8,621
- 1852: 8,622-9,511
- 1853: 9,512-10,357
- 1854: 10,358-12,116
- 1855: 12,117-14,008
- 1856: 14,009-16,323
- 1857: 16,324-19,009
- 1858: 19,010-22,476
- 1859: 22,477-26,641
- 1860: 26,642-31,004
- 1861: 31,005-34,044
- 1862: 34,045-37,265
- 1863: 37,266-41,046
- 1864: 41,047-45,684
- 1865: 45,685-51,783
- 1866: 51,784-60,657
- 1867: 60,658-72,958
- 1868: 72,959-85,502
- 1869: 85,503-98,459
- 1870: 98,460-110,616
- 1871: 110,617-122,303
- 1872: 122,304-134,503
- 1873: 134,504-146,119
- 1874: 146,120-158,349
- 1875: 158,350-171,640
- 1876: 171,641-185,812
- 1877: 185,813-198,732
- 1878: 198,733-211,077
- 1879: 211,078-223,210
- 1880: 223,211-236,136
- 1881: 236,137-251,684
- 1882: 251,685-269,819
- 1883: 269,820-291,015
- 1884: 291,916-310,162
- 1885: 310,163-333,493
- 1886: 333,494-355,290
- 1887: 355,291-375,719
- 1888: 375,720-395,304
- 1889: 395,305-418,664
- 1890: 418,665-443,986
- 1891: 443,987-466,314
- 1892: 466,315-488,975
- 1893: 488,976-511,743
- 1894: 511,744-531,618
- 1895: 531,619-552,501
- 1896: 552,502-574,368
- 1897: 574,369-596,466
- 1898: 596,467-616,870
- 1899 : 616,871-640,166
- 1900 : 640,167-664,826
- 1901: 664,827-690,384
- 1902: 690,385-717,520
- 1903: 717,521-748,566
- 1904: 748,567-778,833
- 1905: 778,834-808,617
- 1906: 808,618-839,798
- 1907: 839,799-875,678
- 1908: 875,679-908,435
- 1909: 908,436-945,009
- 1910: 945,010-980,177
- 1911: 980,178-1,013,094
- 1912: 1,013,095-1,049,325
- 1913: 1,049,326-1,083,266
- 1914: 1,083,267-1,123,211
- 1915: 1,123,212-1,166,418
- 1916: 1,166,419-1,210,388
- 1917: 1,210,389-1,251,457
- 1918: 1,251,458-1,290,026
- 1919: 1,290,027-1,326,898
- 1920: 1,326,899-1,364,062
- 1921: 1,364,063-1,401,947
- 1922: 1,401,948-1,440,361
- 1923: 1,440,362-1,478,995
- 1924: 1,478,996-1,521,589
- 1925: 1,521,590-1,568,039
- 1926: 1,568,040-1,612,699
- 1927: 1,612,700-1,654,520
- 1928: 1,654,521-1,696,896
- 1929: 1,696,897-1,742,180
- 1930: 1,742,181-1,787,423
- 1931: 1,787,424-1,839,189
- 1932: 1,839,190-1,892,662
- 1933: 1,892,663-1,941,448
- 1934: 1,941,449-1,985,877
- 1935: 1,985,878-2,026,515
- 1936: 2,026,516-2,066,308
- 1937: 2,066,309-2,104,003
- 1938: 2,104,004-2,142,079
- 1939: 2,142,080-2,185,169
- 1940: 2,185,170-2,227,417
- 1941: 2,227,418-2,268,539
- 1942: 2,268,540-2,307,006
- 1943: 2,307,007-2,338,080
- 1944: 2,338,081-2,366,153
- 1945: 2,366,154-2,391,855
- 1946: 2,391,856-2,413,674
- 1947: 2,413,675-2,433,823
- 1948: 2,433,824-2,457,796
- 1949: 2,457,797-2,492,943
- 1950: 2,492,944-2,536,015
- 1951: 2,536,016-2,580,378
- 1952: 2,580,379-2,624,045
- 1953: 2,624,046-2,664,561
- 1954: 2,664,562-2,698,433
- 1955: 2,698,434-2,728,912
- 1956: 2,728,913-2,775,761
- 1957: 2,775,762-2,818,566
- 1958: 2,818,567-2,866,972
- 1959: 2,866,973-2,919,442
- 1960: 2,919,443-2,966,680
- 1961: 2,966,681-3,015,102
- 1962: 3,015,103-3,070,800
- 1963: 3,070,801-3,116,486
- 1964: 3,116,487-3,163,864
- 1965: 3,163,865-3,226,728
- 1966: 3,226,729-3,295,142
- 1967: 3,295,143-3,360,799
- 1968: 3,360,800-3,419,906
- 1969: 3,419,907-3,487,469
- 1970: 3,487,470-3,551,908
- 1971: 3,551,909-3,631,538
- 1972: 3,631,539-3,707,728
- 1973: 3,707,729-3,781,913
- 1974: 3,781,914-3,858,240
- 1975: 3,858,241-3,930,270
- 1976: 3,930,271-4,000,519
- 1977: 4,000,520-4,065,811
- 1978: 4,065,812-4,131,951
- 1979: 4,131,952-4,180,866
- 1980: 4,180,867-4,242,756
- 1981: 4,242,757-4,308,621
- 1982: 4,308,622-4,366,578
- 1983: 4,366,579-4,423,522
- 1984: 4,423,523-4,490,884
- 1985: 4,490,885-4,562,595
- 1986: 4,562,596-4,633,525
- 1987: 4,633,526-4,716,593
- 1988: 4,716,594-4,794,651
- 1989: 4,794,652-4,890,334
- 1990: 4,890,335-4,980,926
Biddington's offers this chart as a resource for collectors, but disclaims any liability for any errors contained herein or consequences relating to its use.