James BURNETT "Wilbur Flats #4" Lost Cities Series
Biddington's #: 503942
Price: $850.00
Dimensions: 30.25 X 22.75 inches
Date: 2003
Condition: Very Good
Materials: Gouache and Watercolor on Arches Aquarelle Paper
Country of Origin: USA
Description: In this work from 2003, James Burnett adds to his long-running "Lost Cities" series of paintings whose subject is idealized places--civilizations of the mind. Over time, this series has included tiny gouaches and large oils, all with abstracted landscape structure. This "Wilbur Flats" work is painted with a brush as broad as a housepainter's with a few confident strokes that place Burnett firmly in the camp of the gestural abstract painters. With simplicity and conviction, Burnett distills painting to its vital essence.
"Wilbur Flats #4" is painted in gouache and watercolor on heavy Arches aquarelle paper with a beautiful irregular edge that makes it suitable for float-mounting. Read more about the background of this abstract painter in James Burnett studio visit at Biddington's CREATIVE PROCESS. View more paintings by James Burnett. |
Offered by: Biddington's Contemporary Art
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ABSTRACT--Expressionist Paintings
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