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Paintings & Original Prints

Artworks Offered for Sale
Biddington's Contemporary Art Gallery

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Hewitt Saratoga print Charlie Hewitt Black Cherry painting French Beauty I painting Hewitt painting Grass Harp Woodblock print Red Rising
Saratoga Spring
Woodblock Print
Black Cherry
Oil on Canvas
French Beauty
Large Oil on Canvas
Grass Harp
Oil on Canvas
Red Rising
Woodcut Print
Charles Hewitt painting Veil Charlie Hewitt World Trade Center painting Charles Hewitt post 9/11 painting Hewitt painting Veil 4
Veil 1
Mixed-media on Linen
Veil 2
Mixed-media on Linen
Veil 3
Mixed-media on Linen
Veil 4
Mixed-media on Linen
Hewitt painting Veil 5 Charles Hewitt mixed media painting Charles height=
Veil 5
Mixed-media on Linen
Veil 6
Mixed-media on Linen
Veil 7
Mixed-media on Linen
Charles Hewitt monoprint Hewitt woodcut print EdenII Hewitt painting Black Rooster Charlie Hewitt transfer print Hewitt print Yellow Saw
Blue Veil
Eden II
Black Rooster
Mixed-media Collage & Painting
Black Sash
Woodblock Print
Yellow Saw

Charles Hewitt's atmospheric, abstract layered paintings and prints are punctuated with crisp, graphic stenciled shapes from the artist's personal image repertoire.

The "Veil" series on raw linen are works done in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks; these paintings effectively combine the artists' personal history with the story of our time.

Artist's studio visit with

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Prices range from $550 to $6500.
Buyer pays shipping and insurance.

TO MAKE A PURCHASE or for more information email Biddington's referencing Charles Hewitt + title of artwork.

TELEPHONE ORDERS may be placed by calling: 212 838 3572 Mon-Fri 9-5 ET.
Biddington's accepts payment by Visa, Mastercard, personal check or money order.

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